Peak Performance’s Director of Process Improvement, Angela Leamon, recently became ASQ (American Society of Quality) certified as a Six Sigma Black Belt. An ASQ certification is a formal recognition by ASQ that an individual has demonstrated a proficiency within, and comprehension of, a specific body of knowledge. In Angela’s case, this includes having a thorough understanding of all aspects of the define, measure, analyze, improve and control model (DMAIC) in accordance with Six Sigma principles as well as knowledge of lean enterprise concepts, Design for Six Sigma, leadership and team dynamics.
At her former employer, Angela was Black Belt certified and had the role of Lean Six Sigma Manager and Black Belt Mentor and although she was a practitioner for many years, she felt she needed a certification from a nationally recognized accreditation body. The ASQ CSSBB certification is one that is well respected and recognized across all industries.
To obtain the CSSBB certification, an individual has to meet certain initial requirements, including three years experience in one or more areas of Six Sigma Body of Knowledge and detailed proof of completing a Black Belt project. Angela not only has over 15 years of Six Sigma leadership experience but has also completed and mentored projects totaling more than $25M in continuous improvement savings. The final requirement of this certification was passing a 4.5 hour exam that covers the entire ASQ body of knowledge pertaining to Six Sigma Black Belt, which Angela did on September 20, 2019.
When asked how this certification will be beneficial in her current role Angela says, “The breadth of the ASQ body of knowledge can be applied and organized to utilize the tools across a wide range of industries, not just solely manufacturing. The ASQ certification validates my experience, knowledge, and formal training as a Black Belt instructor and practitioner. Additionally, I will be able to provide a multitude of reference material and examples to present to students in my classes to better understand the Six Sigma tools after obtaining this certification.”
Congratulations to Angela for her hard work and dedication over the past few months leading up to this incredible milestone in her professional development. The current pass rate is 68% and as of April 2019, there are only 10,728 who have the CSSBB certification.