Written by Denise Rice. Denise is the CEO of Peak Performance and the Manufacturing Consultant to the Tennessee Manufacturers Association. She is a former plant manager with nearly 30 years of experience in the manufacturing industry.
As businesses reopen there is a high demand for Personal Protection Equipment (PPE)
Employers are responsible for providing a safe and healthy workplace. During this pandemic, businesses are in need of PPE for their employees, suppliers, contractors, visitors, and customers. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has stated, “when engineering, work practice, and administrative controls are not feasible or do not offer sufficient protection,” PPE is the first line of defense for workers.

The Tennessee Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Tennessee Manufacturers Association answered Tennessee’s volunteers and created the TN Creators Respond program. The program works with businesses to develop non-traditional supply chains. In almost all cases, manufacturers and distributors are responding to a need due to the pandemic, not their normal course of business.
I found a disconnect between these PPE distributors and the businesses that needed the PPE. In many cases, the minimum order quantity was far higher than businesses needed or could purchase at one time. Additionally, the order entry process was not easily completed and often times existed through emails and phone calls with little confirmations.
Peak Performance has secured resources and now has the ability to help businesses while also helping not-for-profit organizations. We have partnered with international suppliers and have secured large quantities of inventory and are excited to launch our PPE Shop. Please consider purchasing your PPE needs through our website. We are only posting inventory that is on-hand in Tennessee so if you are looking for an item and it shows out of stock, check back later, as shipments are arriving daily. We are donating order proceeds to the non-profit of your choice which currently, is the Tennessee Association of Business Foundation. We anticipate adding other state not-for-profits soon, so keep checking back!
Stay Vigilant. Stay Healthy.